HR departments have changed a lot over recent decades. Previously they were known to serve two primary roles: hiring and firing. Slowly people are starting to realize the potential and power HR departments have within an organization. These changes create a situation of fear and uncertainty for those who have been mishandling their human resources given our new social culture. On the other hand, a properly developed HR can be the spark for major changes and improvements within the culture and management of resources for a company. From an administrative perspective as well as an employee perspective, we can all expect major changes to happen once everyone realizes the greatest growth potential is within an organization's human capital. This path can assist an employee in getting more from their HR department; assist the HR department in becoming a more efficient arm of the organization; or find ways both employee and HR can work together to develop a more effective and cohesive team.

Attention! These Resources Are Human
The Human Resources department has many functions, including but not limited to: hiring, training & development, compliance, performance, compensation and managing employee issues that can impact the company in any way. The first activity below highlights essential components that make a great HR department. The second activity details the various areas of HR and how someone can enter the field. The last activity details how you can work with your HR department to ensure they have all of the information needed to provide you with the kind of results and support you need to properly do your job. These articles provide a basic overview of HR and its primary role.
In order to increase productivity, it is no secret companies should invest in their employees. Previously, HR departments were seen as a hiring/firing/training/compliance machine, however, they are now also being seen as an opportunity creating mechanism within a company. HR departments have the ability to invest in their employees by recognizing talent, developing talent, fostering a cohesive culture and much more. The following activities discuss how this can be done as well as ways HR can utilize marketing strategies to further the company's mission and boost efficiency.
There is a secret truth that employees often don't understand about HR. The HR department is an essential function of the larger organization, and as such serves their best interest. Yes, typically what is in the best interest of the employee is also in the best interest of the company, however, there are many times where the two do not align. It is important for all parties to know the part they play, what to share, when to share, what to report, and how to meet the needs of the company as a unified whole.
The activities below offer more insight and opportunity to become more familiar with Laurie's work. The articles and videos offered are insightful and inspiring for all audiences.