There are different ways to deliver information to learners based primarily on the variety of learning styles. Learners understand information best when it aligns with their preferred learning style. As facilitators of adult learning, we should design programs that address multiple learning styles so that we are able to engage all of our learners.

Some learning style types include: visual learners, learners that prefer using images and seeing pictures to retain information, auditory learners, learners that prefer sound and/or music in their learning experiences, linguistic, learners that prefer talking and using words in writing, kinesthetic learners, who prefer using their body, hands and sense of touch, for example, a kinesthetic learner will enjoy drawing a picture or physically building something with their hands during learning; logical, learners that prefer reasoning and systems when learning; interpersonal, when you prefer learning in groups; and intrapersonal, when you prefer working alone.

In this article you'll learn about the three learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, also referred to as the VAK Model. Professional development events can use different strategies to appeal to the three learning styles.