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There are many components that factor into building a thriving learning environment: leading with a positive attitude, establishing a friendly atmosphere, and being supportive to learners are just a few. In order to create a space where all learners feel valued and respected, you must focus on practical ways to build a healthy learning environment.

Think of your job like this: trainers are simply learners who have the responsibility to lead other learners. In order to create an ideal learning environment, you must think like a “learner”. Ask yourself, “What kind of learning environment would I want to be in?” Then use the following strategies to help you effectively build a positive learning space.

Communicate Clearly

Communication is the key to effectively building a positive learning environment, without proper communication, it would be difficult to accomplish your goals or get any tasks done. Do not assume that your learners know how to do basic tasks. Take the time to clearly communicate any information that you want learners to know or understand. Try and speak their language, use technology if you know that will be an easy way to convey your message. Humor is another strategy that can help transmit your message more clearly. When learners know you’re making the effort to relate to them, they will be grateful.

The article below explains how important good communication is when you are connecting with your learners.

Build Trust

Trust is the foundation of any relationship and in order to create a healthy learning environment, you must build trust with your learners. One of the best ways to build a foundation of trust is to be consistent. If you are constantly consistent and never go back on your word, then you’ve created a space where individuals will trust you. Make an effort to connect with each learner, from a warm smile or a firm handshake to an open ear, design your training in a way that builds trust.

Develop Relationships

Building trust is a core component to developing a solid relationship. In order to develop a genuine relationship with your learners, you must take the time to get to know each individual better. An easy way to do this is by taking the time to show that you are interested in their lives. Ask them about themselves and their family. You can also let your guard down and share stories from your own personal life. Being an instructor, trainer or educator doesn’t mean that you have to be all business all of the time. It’s okay to use humor, laugh at a joke or make learning fun, this will only help to foster a more positive learning environment.