You completed their job interview and so far, so good. You are very aware of how important choosing the right candidate is for your organization and everyone is looking to you for guidance on whether they are a good fit or not (no pressure!).
This learning path will ensure you understand the importance of using an evaluation tool during the interview or completing it directly following the interview for your team to review their responses to pertinent questions. You will also understand the importance of conducting background checks, checking references, and evaluating your candidate's motivations to ensure they are a good cultural fit. This is all a tall order when assessing multiple candidates, but the amount of time and money saved is invaluable.

They Interviewed Well, What's Next? How to Evaluate Candidates After the Interview
Typically you will jot down the responses your candidate gives to the questions you ask during the interview and transfer them to a candidate evaluation tool of some kind after the session. Your interview feedback is what drives the process and determines if they are able to move forward to the next step. Within the activities below, you will also find three examples of a candidate evaluation form for you to choose from or to use in order to create your own.
Checking their references and conducting the background check is an easy way to verify all of the information they have given to this point. Both of these are also standard measures for your organization to show you have done your due diligence in vetting the candidate.
Congratulations! You are not only the hiring member of your organization, but you are also their detective. You have to not only pay attention to what your candidate explicitly offers in the interview but also their nonverbals and other social cues they will demonstrate the moment they enter your office. The interview is also a good time to observe their soft skills and notate what you see so you can review it later in order to make a further determination regarding fit.
Some would argue culture is just as important to an organization as their revenue stream. But how can you gauge whether or not someone you just met fits your company culture, apart from the obvious? Don't worry, psychometric testing can help. Many companies offer a psychometric pre-screener to determine fit. You can review their answers after the interview once again to see if there is anything you may have missed in your session. Social media accounts can also be reviewed for cultural fit. Also, the reference check, discussed above, offers another opportunity for you to get a feel for organizational fit for your candidate as you speak to professionals who knew them prior.