During this training, you will learn how to present and create recommendations regarding course design, technology, and instruction delivery options.

As we discussed in the intermediate version of this course, the first step in any process is to generate a positive relationship with a Subject Matter Expert (SME). Now we will review how to create recommendations and improve upon your existing ability to make recommendations. This process helps generate a long-lasting, trustful relationship with your SME. In the realm of review and critique of online education, the method of creating recommendations does not rest merely in how to create the suggestions themselves, but also in the method of delivery. How suggestions and recommendations are worded matters just as much as the details and context of your recommendations.

Within the field of Instructional Design, possibly the worst thing you will experience is the inappropriate use of the term "Best Practice." In the previous course, we reviewed the meaning of the term "Best Practice." Now we will explore how the term is applied correctly.

In the previous course, we reviewed the value of goals and alignment. Whether these are done first or last, it is important to ensure these are established. They should align between the activities, the weekly/module objectives, and the overall course/learning objectives (goals). Now we will review how alignment is applied.

In the previous course we reviewed what active and accessible learning means. Now we will learn how to apply the techniques in an online course environment.

At the end of this training, you will be asked to complete a final assessment. This is a short multiple-choice evaluation to challenge your comprehension of the materials covered in each lesson.