The begrudged sales call. You understand the fundamental principles behind selling, but you still dread the 'sales call'. There are several ways to manage a sales call, however, the 8 steps detailed below include the most succinct way you can go from prospect to repeat customer. The steps include: preparing for the call, the introduction & greeting, qualifying your sale, surveying your prospect(s), handling objections - if necessary, your dynamic presentation, closing the deal and finally, customer maintenance. The activities below detail tangible ways you can learn to maneuver each phase of the sales call to open doors that were previously closed, closed deals and foster long lasting relationships.

Open Doors & Close the Deal
Take a deep breath, now let's begin. At some point in your sales life cycle you will have to call on a client. Calling on a client does not necessarily mean a literal phone call. Calling on a client includes any type of engagement with them where you have an end goal in mind. The activities below detail 8 steps to an effective sales call and why the question you ask once you have their attention may be the most important one yet.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." Benjamin Franklin understood the need for proper preparation when he made the following statement. Researching your client, their needs, wants and competition gives you a major advantage before you even make your introduction. The activities below detail how you can prepare for your call, make an impactful introduction and qualify your sale in the initial conversation.
Stephen Keague shares, "In presentations or speeches less really is more." This quote is essential when you are surveying your client and preparing your presentation to the client. How you present your information, handle any objections and follow up speaks to how well you understand your client. The following activities will help you remain engaged and prepared for whatever the situation may present to you in the moment.
Congratulations, you are now ready to turn your prospect into a client and that client into a friend. These activities assist you in closing your deals (or conversations) and provides you with information on how to maintain a customer so they become repeat customers. Customer loyalty is essentially the goal of a sales call and the techniques below can ensure you are creating meaningful interactions.