This learning path explores the impact of fairness on performance and offers concrete strategies for leaders and individuals to create a fair workplace. Fair businesses outperform not only because employees are motivated and committed, but also because fair practices ensure that the best ideas and talent rise to the top.

Dare to Be Fair
As Charles Dickens wrote, “… there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt as injustice.” Fairness is one of the most ingrained human values. From the time we are infants we can recognize and reward fair behavior. These resources explore how fairness impacts motivation, performance, and health.
Imagine running a marathon only to have another 10 miles tacked on to the race just as you near the finish line. Or discovering that the winning runner took a shortcut. These resources outline why playing fair is so important and how to lead with fairness.
Ever work with someone who takes credit for every project as if he were the only one working on it? How about the boss who favors people who went to her alma mater? Chances are they think they are playing fair. These resources provide techniques to raise the bar on performance by avoiding common cognitive traps.
Anyone who’s mediated a playground dispute knows that “It’s not fair!” does not mean it’s not fair. Delivering (and learning to accept!) fair criticism is key to maintaining a culture of transparency and high performance.
As the saying goes, being good is easy, what is difficult is being fair. These resources outline the payoffs of stepping outside your comfort zone to embrace fairness.