What gets new startups noticed? Going Viral!? Ok, sure - for the few lucky enough to hit the viral jackpot. For most new businesses, cutting through the noise of a saturated market and a plethora of distractive content means putting in work to develop a strategy around how, when, and where to connect with your audience. Explore the why and how of Public Relations and Brand Strategy and discover how you can employ each to grow your business, connect with the right audience - and who knows - maybe even go viral (no promises).

Cutting Through the Noise - PR & Brand Strategy for Startups
Many startups quickly learn - some a little too late - just how important a smart Public Relations strategy is to making the connections in a media-saturated market. PR isn't just about getting your message out; it's about getting your message out to the right audience. Hear from experts who have been there and learn how to target the right people - with the right message.
Your brand strategy defines your startup's identity - and just like people, your identity is what helps set you apart. Discover the importance of developing a clear brand strategy and how building your startup's brand helps to grow your network and connections while strengthening your business.
Branding in Relation to Marketing, Public Relations & Advertising
The 16 Rules of Brand Strategy - Jasmine Bina - Medium
5 Strategic Moves Startups Can Make to Build a Brand That Sticks
How to Build Strategic Brand Partnerships That Grow Your Business
10 Examples of Successful Co-Branding Partnerships (And Why They're So Great)
So you've got your PR strategy solidified and you're building your brand identity; it's time to get noticed. In a perfect world, influencers and customers would come to you. These days - more often than not - you need a little help spreading the news. Discover ways you to grow your business by developing strong connections, cultivating relationships, and converting bystanders to believers.
Every new business dreams of going viral - with the deluge of content created these days, it's truly an art. At it's core, going viral is all about standing out from the crowd, highlighting your startup's unique identity, and developing meaningful connections - sound familiar? Get schooled on going viral and unleash your inner artist with takeaways gleaned from the "ghosts of virality past".