"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen."
- Ernest Hemingway
Hemingway was on to something in highlighting the importance of listening, and listening carefully. In fact, experts agree with the surly author -- when it comes to communication, you should listen twice as intently as you speak. Learn to be a better listener with the resources in this path that explore the fundamentals of what it means to really listen.

The True Art of Listening
"The art of conversation lies in listening." [Malcom Forbes] -- There are two sides to every conversation, but many people sacrifice the benefits of listening for their next opportunity to speak. The activities in this section introduce listening as a communication skill and give you an opportunity to assess your current listening skills.
"Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking." [Bernard Baruch] -- Listening is a skill, and skills take practice. Explore "The 10 Principals of Listening" with Naha Kohale on LinkedIn, learn how to "listen better" with communications expert Julian Treasure, and discover why "Listening is Critical" with Fast Company's Stephanie Vozza.
"You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time." [M. Scott Peck] -- Hearing is not always listening and listening is much more than hearing. The activities in this section introduce and explore the practice of active listening to help you discover what it means to listen with all of your senses.
"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say." [Bryant H. McGill] -- Listening is one of the most effective tools in the communications toolbox, especially when applied in stressful situations. These activities highlight the crucial role listening plays in creating a safe, respectful environment for managing and resolving conflict.
"Listening is being able to be changed by the other person." [Alan Alda] -- Continue exploring the act and art of *really* listening with the resources in this section.