Erwan Derlyn
Erwan Derlyn is an independent multidisciplinary growth marketing consultant, speaker, and author based in Stockholm, Sweden. Working at the intersection of marketing, technology, and leadership — he helps teams to accelerate their growth agenda with a focus on early-stage and scale-up startups. Previously, he was part of the growth teams at iZettle and Hem.com. Erwan holds a Master in Business Administration in Leadership from the Kalmar Business School (now Linnéuniversitetet).
Fail Fast, Fail Often, And Fail By Design
Pmarchive - The only thing that matters
Digiphrenia - Excerpt From Douglas Rushkoff's Present Shock
Growth Marketer - Berghs
Silicon Valley parents are raising their kids tech-free - and it should be a red flag
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The Search & SEO World in 2018
Infographic: Only Little More Than Half of The World is Online
Looking at Google.com, you'd barely know how much the company has changed in 20 years
This Is What Happens In an Internet Minute
SEO: 95% of clicks, 10% of marketing spend. Adwords: 5% of clicks, 90% of marketing spend.
''Ideas are cheap, execution is everything.'' - Chris Sacca
The Problem
Building A Growth Machine by Brian Balfour
Mark Zuckerberg's seven-word definition of "company values" is both provocative and actionable
Posting Activity - WordPress.com
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Building a Learning Organization
BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers
Startup Marketing
How to Create Content for Humans and Algorithms