Transforming your customer experience completely to an online experience can be tricky. Winning By Design has helped hundreds of companies make the transition towards a remote workforce and decided to share their best practices on how to set up and run a professional remote meetings. Let's get started!

How to Engage with Customers Remotely
At Winning by Design, we have helped hundreds of companies from startups to Fortune 500 embrace the use of remote meetings. In this section, you will find the best practices to help you set up your home/remote office as a way to do business. You will see how smooth it can be to embrace this new style of working, and as we often here from our customers, you just might never go back.
We all know that it can be easy for people to tune out during any old webinar. So let's make sure that none of your remote meetings will ever feel like a webinar! This section will show you how - with tips on how to facilitate your remote sessions, how to use a whiteboard effectively, and more.
This third section shows you everything you need to know to host excellent remote meetings and gives you insights on the following questions: 'How do you politely interrupt someone to add your thoughts, in a remote meeting?', 'How do you keep command of a remote meeting and facilitate it smoothly?', and 'What about engaging the audience so that no one falls asleep?' Find out here. Happy Learning!