The majority of challenges that organizations face are technology related. Given the growing importance of technology, the demand for leaders with an engineering background will probably rise. Already a quarter of the CEOs of the world's 100 largest corporations have engineering degrees. This Professional Certificate Program from DelftX, Leadership Essentials for Engineers, teaches prospective leaders in any field how to use analytical techniques to support business planning and strategic decision making; encourage multiple stakeholders with different interests to cooperate; recognize team dynamics and handle both individual and team issues; and gain support from senior management and your teams.
As an introduction, let's dive into some of the main concepts in the course "Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and Convince" (Link to Full Course listed in the edX section below).
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Communicating Effectively: How to Inspire and Convince
Hans de Bruijn and Jet Pagnier will take you through a series of exercises on a different pitching method. The first exercise will be on speeches of Barack Obama. This exercise will help you understand the different ways to convey a message and what it means for the effectiveness of communication. Take a look at the introduction video below!
This video shows fragments of Barack Obama's speeches. Try to find out what the essence of the attractiveness of Obama's speeches is and write them down for yourself.
The previous video raises the question: How do you convince people that you have the right views, the better ideas? Of course by the power of your arguments, but also by the way you structure or frame your arguments. This course is about framing and, in particular, about the game of framing and reframing that politicians play during their debates. You will learn what the underlying patterns are of these debates - how some politicians enter into their opponent's frames (and often lose the debate), while others manage to reframe the debate. But it's not just politicians who frame - everyone does. We go on to discuss the characteristics of a good frame and the impact of a frame.
Some problems take the form of a dilemma: there is no clear right or wrong, no clear black or white. In this video, we explain how dilemmas can be used in the game of framing and reframing.
Now let's hear how leaders translate these concepts into practice.
Interested in going deeper with this subject or learning more about other topics like Influencing Stakeholders or Effective Decisionmaking? Check out the Leadership Essentials for Engineers Professional Certificate program page on (link below). Engineers have the potential to be good leaders. They are analytical and tech-savvy. They are comfortable with figures. They often have a can-do attitude. However, these characteristics alone are not enough to make engineers effective leaders. Learn more about the three critical mindsets needed to develop your leadership potential. This course is part of the Leadership Essentials for Engineers Professional Certificate Program.