Finding a new job (or your first job) can seem like an exhaustive process, but we’ve got your back!
Before you go furiously updating your resume and tailoring cover letters for every position you see, make sure you know what you want. From the start, this will set you apart—instead of looking for a job, you can look for the job for you.
Join us to learn how to find the right job for you, how to write the perfect resume and cover letter, how to showcase all of your skills, and how to crush it in your interview.
One more thing—after your first interview, there is one thing you must do to put yourself above the other candidates—find out what it is! Let’s get started.

Want That Job? Here's How To Get It
Before you apply for any jobs, you need to find the right fit. Sure, it may be tempting to hit Easy Apply on LinkedIn to every job you see. That’s not going to get you the right job unless you get really lucky. Instead, make sure you are looking for positions with companies that really match your values. Consider the office culture, the company’s goals, and the possible trajectory of your own career.
How to Figure Out What Career You Want (How to Find Your Purpose)
The Right Workplace: How to Find a Company Culture that Fits You
Two Job Offers? How to Pick the Right One
How to Find a Job in a New City
How to Find a Job in 2019: The Ultimate Guide
How to Use a Recruiter or Headhunter to Get Hired
We know that writing a cover letter and updating your resume can be a huge pain, but guess what? It’s 100 percent worth it. Your resume and cover letter will likely be a hiring manager’s first impression of you—make it count! Know what to include, what not to include, and how to match your tone to the company at which you are applying.
Formatting Your Resume Like This Can Help You Land The Job
The 24-Hour Resume Makeover
How I Add Dynamic Skills to My Resume (While Working Full-Time)
5 Easy Steps to Writing a Cover Letter
Writing the Cover Letter in 2018: Tone and Voice
How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience (How to Write a Great Cover Letter)
You got the interview. Phew! Now, it’s time to really hit the books. Show your stuff—all of it—by researching the company, asking the right questions, and answering interview questions like a pro. Whether it’s a phone interview, a video interview, or an in-person interview, prepare yourself to perform. Know what body language to avoid, how to ask the most insightful questions—and even how to learn from interviews that didn’t go so great.
After the interview, there is still work to do. Did you write a thank you note to the hiring manager? Did you follow up with everybody who interviewed you? Maybe you already heard the word—that you didn’t get the job. Dive deeper to find out why—and avoid those mistakes or missteps in the future.
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