HELP WANTED! NOW HIRING! I WANT YOU! The days are long gone when job posts were very transparent and clear about who and what they wanted. Job ads are much more complicated now and your ideal candidate is sifting through layers of words and catch phrases to figure out if they are the right fit. Lucky for you, this learning path provides resources to assist you in improving the design and strategically marketing your job post. There are also examples and templates towards the end to provide inspiration and assistance with finding your ideal candidate.

How to Design Your Job Posting for the Ideal Candidate
Your job title is the first element of your job post that catches your candidate's eye. The title speaks to the end goal of the particular job position and the skills of the candidate. Your title also alludes to the personality of your company. There are many ways to speak to a skill set, make sure you choose the one that defines the scope of the position in a way your candidates can understand. The activities below offer additional insight into how to craft a captivating job title.
Most people want to work for company's and organization's that have growth potential. Your job ad should not only share who your company is and what they do, but it should also share their vision and where they are going. Skilled and savvy candidates want to be a part of a movement or at least a company that is forward thinking. Telling your organization's story within the job post helps you get closer and closer to finding the ideal candidate. I am sure your organization is great. Great candidates want to work with great organization's... it is your job to make sure your candidates have a sense of that greatness within your ad.
The activities below offer additional "How To" tips, including templates and examples to help you improve your job ad.