Wouldn't it be perfect if your job postings always attracted the right fit? If the ideal candidate was the first to apply and your work was done after just one day of your ad being active? What if there was a way of writing your ad so that you could get closer and closer to attracting the right fit, quickly? Maybe there is.
Advertising for open positions requires more than simply writing an ad. The way the ad is written, designed, and where it is placed speaks to what kind of candidate you are looking for. Knowing who the 'right fit' is for your position guides how you attract them. If the right fit is someone who is very active on social media and has a strong digital presence, then you will look to advertise in those digital venues where they frequent, knowing you will catch their attention. Aligning the ad with the potential candidate ensures a stronger outcome in the long run.

Attracting the Right Fit
Remember! Job ads are designed because your company needs help. The same way you would ask someone for help by explaining the problem and how their expertise can solve it is the same way you design an irresistible job ad. Begin by creating a great title and end with offering them as much information as possible so they can make an informed decision before they even apply.
You have the perfect ad. Now, where are your candidates? You find your ideal candidate by creating a mental (or visual) model for who you want to fill the open position. Imagine what the ideal candidate's hobbies are, where they were trained, what is their educational background, how are they in social settings, what do they love about your company and other qualities about their personality and background. Once you decide who the person is, you are now ready to actively recruit.
Wherever your ideal candidate frequents is where your job post should be placed. It is important that you are able to catch their attention by being a part of their community, serving two purposes. The first purpose is obviously to catch their attention, but the second purpose is slightly less obvious. If you find a community that fits the type of employee you are looking for, you are that much more likely to find the right fit. In order to place job posts in these places, you have to be creative. The activities below explain why and how to post on social media as well as creative ways to design your post for popular job boards.