With the right tools, you can become a job post design genius. All you need to know are a few tricks of the trade and be prepared to present your organization strategically and candidly. Advertising for open positions is a critical business function that is deceptively tricky. Your organization can envision the perfect candidate, yet continuously attract the opposite.
This learning path provides the keys to making sure your ad is not only seen by your ideal candidate, but also applied to by that candidate. How do you guarantee this? Proper ad placement and a well-written job posting.

You're Hiring! Strategies to Find The Best Candidate
In order to create a compelling job posting, tailor your job description to your audience's motivations. Make sure your language is very clear, concise and insightful. Research has also found posting the salary attracts more candidates to the position. It is very important you explain how the candidate will align with your company's strategy. The last two keys to designing a compelling job posting include ensuring you use keywords that speak to top performers and do your research. You should research exactly who your ideal candidate is and ensure you include words that would appeal to them. The activities below guide you through this process.
Most of your ideal candidates search for their job positions via mobile means. Online job sites provide a 24/7 marketplace for job seekers to find their ideal position. Due to this, it is impossible to get around posting on at least one of the sites shared below. Some of your candidates will be on LinkedIn, Zip Recruiter, Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, Craigslist, CareerBuilder, Randstad, Facebook, Twitter or other high traffic sites. It is important that you identify your ideal candidate so you can post where your candidate frequents as well as where their community is. Some professionals even suggest tweeting about your open position or sharing it on your social media sites. The final activity offers free relief for those who do not have a budget for paid postings.
Now you are ready to post your ad. You now have to decide the best time to post in order to ensure you will have the eyes of your selected audience. The activities below share online peak times based on user research and data.