This is an all call for the serial fear mongers amongst us. Those of you who know you need to make a move, or take a leap, but fear has you in its awesome clutch. I challenge you, without judgement, Do It Anyway! We are inundated with media that scream at us continuously "Goal Set!" "Take Charge of Your Life & Career!" "Dream and You Can Be a Millionaire." "If you don't like your job, quit!" "You deserve that promotion." "Be an Entrepreneur." These messages are overtly motivating, but they essentially neglect the most essential aspect of all of this: Courage. It takes courage to take a leap of faith, do what is hard, leave your familiar in search of the unknown, and courage is a character trait that seems to favor the bold and brazen. If you think you are capable of more and you would love to fearlessly leap, this learning path is for you. These activities are specifically focused on career 'leaps'. That promotion you want? You'll need to ask for it. That raise you've been hoping for? You'll have to ask for it, too. You. Are. Ready!
Considering how much time we spend at work or engaged in work activities, we need to make sure we are valuing ourselves and our families by using it wisely. The activities below will help you find the courage you need to get what you want out of your career while making a worthy investment in yourself.

Career Leap: Pushing Beyond Your Bounds
The article below, 'Happy at Work', provides various ways you can reengage at work and ensure you remain in your 'flow'. It suggests "Changing the way you feel about what you do can change your life because work is where you spend most of your time. Too many Americans are unhappy at work and that is a real tragedy because it adds to workplace stress which has a negative impact on performance and both mental and physical health." The additional activities provide ways you can make your workplace "worth it" by boosting your confidence, setting tangible career goals and investing in your career.
Ciara was onto something with her latest hit, "Level Up!" We all have a tendency to become complacent, and at times need a gentle nudge to do better and increase our potential. The activities below inspire you to go for more and work to improve your career. One article also suggests you ensure your ideal promotion is aligned with your personal and professional goals. Sometimes what you think you want is not what you need. Making this leap is not a passive process, you have to continuously check in and ask yourself 'is this worth it?'
Do Not be afraid to learn something new! Updating your skill set and maintaining your career toolbox is a critical component of self promotion. Invest in yourself and be courageous, daily. There are countless stories of people, just like you, who made the leap and although the risk was high, the reward was greater. A few of these stories are told below – hope they inspire you to make the first step.