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Data Entry Fundamentals
Data entry professionals are typically required to type at speeds beginning at 60 wpm (words per minute). A common misnomer is 'the faster you can type, the better' - however, it is actually 'the faster you can type accurately, the better.' The resources below are various typing programs that will assist you in typing, improving your wpm and increasing accuracy.
Now that you have showcased your excellent typing skills, it is time to become more comfortable and proficient with the computer. It is safe to say you will use a computer to enter your data into a system. These activities will introduce you to the basics of a Windows or Mac machine so you are comfortable with utilizing various methods to engage your data. You will learn word processing (which you can use to key information), how to access a file and how to save your information.
What exactly are databases used for? Databases organize information for a number of uses. Many of the uses involve preparing the data to be utilized by several different departments and people throughout an organization. You are a critical part of this process. Sometimes spreadsheets and databases are used interchangeably and other times spreadsheets help to build a greater database. For this learning path, we are going to focus on you creating your first spreadsheet. You will learn about rows, columns, cells and basic features of any spreadsheet.