Someone once told me, "Feedback is a gift." This may be true, but constructive criticism (even when it's well-intentioned) can often be hard to take. This path is part of my own learning journey -- I've gathered these resources to help me take feedback a little more constructively and a lot less personally. I hope this is helpful for you, and I'd love to hear your feedback! --Julia

Feedback: The Gift You Might Not Want but Receive Anyway
Ok, so someone had something to say about you and/or your work, and maybe it wasn't that positive... it happens. Before you get upset, though, you should take a minute to read these articles -- they have a ton of great advice on how to take feedback of any kind and some interesting research around why our brains respond more strongly to negativity.
It's hard to take criticism and not get defensive. You're not a duck -- words don't just roll off your back like water. But being defensive doesn't get you anywhere. Learn how you can stop that internal cycle of negativity before it begins.
Criticism isn't always bad. Learn how you can take a negative and turn it into a positive.
You're not always on the receiving end -- sometimes, it's *you* who's giving the feedback. Here are some resources to help you do this the right way.
The following books can be borrowed through your local public library -- just ask your librarian to request them through InterLibrary Loan if they're not available.