Getting started - as a startup, small business, or entrepreneur - is tough. The startup boom has created such a tsunami of information around developing a successful startup that it's difficult to separate a signal from all the noise. This Path offers a 101-level introduction to startups, growth hacking , and digital marketing from an expert in the field.

Startups, Growth Hacking, & Digital Marketing
There is a lot of misunderstanding about what a startup is or is not. It's important to clarify that as more and more people talk about startups without really knowing what it is.
There is a lot of misinformation out there about growth hacking. I want to make sure people understand what growth hacking actually is - a process rather than a bunch of cheap tactics.
Growth Hacking Definition: the Definitive one | Growth Hackers
Growth Hacker Job Description | Growth Hackers
Growth Hacking: Data and Product Driven Marketing - David Arnoux
66 Growth Hacking Tools You Need to Test! | Growth Hackers
33 Growth Hacking Examples to get Inspiration from | Growth Hackers
Sean Ellis talks about the 3 stages of Growth Hacking Success
4.1.7 Dave McClure - Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR! - I
Hacking growth. (Book, 2017) []
Digital Marketing is powerful thanks to its ability to connect directly with customers - on their terms, but even digital marketing needs a hook. Discover how to use digital marketing to attract, and delight, potential customers.
Inbound Marketing Definition: what is it and how to implement it? | Growth Hackers
Great Email Marketing Campaigns: the Ultimate Guide to create yours | Growth Hackers
Traction : how any startup can achieve explosive customer growth (Book, 2015) []
Dotcom secrets : the underground playbook for growing your company online (Book, 2015) []
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