Any user new to Excel 2016 will benefit from this path, which is based on the Goodwill Community Foundation's video tutorials. These bite-sized videos cover basic and advanced functions of Microsoft Excel, including creating and saving sheets, visualizing data, sharing workbooks with others, and more. Find more information about the Goodwill Community Foundation at

Microsoft Excel 2016
This section includes videos to get you oriented to the basic Excel functions and interface.
Next, you'll be introduced to features of the cell and basics of working with multiple sheets.
Data can be boring, but your worksheets don't have to be. Learn how to make your numbers shine with these videos.
Some functions you'll use over and over in Excel. These videos introduce you to common and helpful actions: find & replace and print.
Excel's formulas and functions are powerful tools to manipulate data. Learn how to use them to their fullest potential with these videos.
Large data sets can be unwieldy. Tame your numbers with these tools.
Pictures speak louder than words. Learn how Excel can create stories for you using the data you provide.
Sometimes you'll want to share your workbooks with others. Learn how to do that, and track changes and comments, with these videos.
PivotTables and What-If Analysis functions can give you additional insight into your data. Learn how to use these advanced functions with these videos.