Experiential marketing, sometimes called "engagement marketing", "event marketing", "on-ground marketing", "live marketing", or "participation marketing," is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers and invites and encourages them to participate in the evolution of a brand or a brand experience. One tool of an experiential marketing strategy, the trade show, requires special attention and planning to make it a success. These resources provide information on how to plan and execute a trade show exhibition successfully.

Experiential Marketing: Making an Impact at a Trade Show
Content for this path includes a 15-part video series on exhibitions, guides to trade shows, and tips for what makes a trade show booth spectacular.
Episode #1: An introduction to exhibitions
Episode #2: Selecting the right exhibition for your business
Episode #3: Setting your exhibition objectives
Episode #4: Planning your exhibition presence
Episode #5: What to do as soon as you book your stand
Episode #6: Getting your exhibition stand right
Pre-marketing your exhibition presence
Maximising Your Exhibition Presence
Episode #9: Organising and managing your exhibition stand staff
Episode #10: Creating experiences on your exhibition stand
Episode #11: Engaging with the exhibition visitor
Episode #12: Planning your exhibition stand engagement
Episode #13: Collecting visitor data on your exhibition stand
Episode #14: Following up on your exhibition activity
Episode #15: Measuring your exhibition success and effectiveness
The Inbound Marketing Trade Show Planning Guide
Trade Show Buddy | Do's and Don'ts
Trade Show Marketing: What to Do Before the Show