Virtual teams give organizations the ability to source talent from a diverse and dispersed workforce while offering unmatched flexibility to employees in work and personal life. The benefits of virtual teams are clear in today's economy, but they do pose challenges to leaders.
This learning path gives you an overview of the benefits, challenges, and best practices in leading virtual teams.

Leading Virtual Teams
Virtual teams can be a win-win for employers and employees - so how do you build healthy, productive virtual teams that work well together? These activities introduce you to the concepts, benefits, and best practices of developing and cultivating virtual teams.
Virtual teams are often more productive than teams based in a physical location because they are powerful in their ability to collaborate and communicate through technology - taking full advantage of the connections they share to make progress. Learn how to build trust and improve connections with your virtual team through these activities.
Keeping any team engaged and energized can be a, how do you engage a team of dispersed employees? The activities in this section explore tools and techniques to keep teams productive and motivated through transparency, trust, and communication.
When it comes down to it, any team (virtual or co-located) is only as good as the management of its members and purpose. Overcome management challenges and learn to lead virtual teams with activities that blend the best-practices from this path with a focus on the importance of the leader.