To ensure that the training is effective and is giving the desired output, two studies need to be completed by you or the trainees’ supervisors, if they have time.
The first study is the workers’ output.
The first step is to look at how they are working. Are they employing the training received? There are a few observational questions to be asked when studying the trainees on the job after training. The most important is 1. Have the skills improved? 2. Is the employee reverting back to the old way of doing things? 3. Are they taking a conscious effort to use the skills given?
The next step is to check the behaviors of the trainees. Are they more excited? Is their confidence up? Are they stepping up for more responsibility? Are they proving to be more of a leader? Are they showing others what they’ve learned? These signs should be noted, positive or negative, and included in the investigation of your training.