My name is Benjamin Garner, and I am an Associate Professor at the University of North Georgia. I have a Ph.D. in Communication, and I have taught at the university level for more than 10 years. I teach business communication and marketing courses. Over the years, I’ve met with business professionals for our advisory councils and through my consulting and research. Every time I mention that I teach communication, business owners stop me and say, “Soft skills and communication are so important. Your work is so critical because people can communicate well nowadays.” As a result of this feedback, I’ve developed a series of video courses on a variety of soft skills, including communication, leadership, and other intangible characteristics that make an employee successful at work.

For this project, I’ve filmed and interviewed 20 business leaders and edited their insights into short videos for students to watch. The best students will approach this content looking for ways to improve. If you get one really good idea from this course, it will have been worth your time. Quality, rather than quantity, should be your goal.