When I'm at a networking event, I tend to keep to myself and not talk to anyone (which totally defeats the purpose of being at a networking event). Don't be like me! Use this path to learn how to engage with your fellow humans and show off your best side.

Be the Most Interesting Person in the Room
We've all known that person who *never* stops talking. Don't be that person.
I forget names as soon as I hear them. It's not a great party trick.
What, exactly, is the point of small talk? Chit chat seems like a waste of time to me, but apparently it has some benefits when building relationships. *shrug* Who knew?
The hardest part of meeting people is that first step. How do you approach someone and introduce yourself to them? Don't be awkward like me -- use these resources to help you make new friends.
Asking questions of other people is important, so that you're not the only one talking. (See step 1.) There's a fine line between being curious and being nosy -- use these resources to help you navigate that difference.
If there's one thing I hate, it's when someone acts fake. It's the worst.